Soups over salads
We often think of salads when dieting, but broth based soups are one of the best tools for weight loss. When we consume foods that are warm and liquid they make us feel satiated. While we tend to add ingredients to salads that significantly increase their caloric value, such as dressings, nuts, cheeses etc. , these things are not added to soups keeping the caloric intake low. #lovemyjob#science#workout#exercise#muscle#nutrition#onlinetrainer#faith#losgatoshometrainer#personaltrainer#cycling#fitness#personaltraining#gym#weightloss#bodybuilding#diet#onlinepersonaltraining#psychology#corestrength#motivation#homefitness#onlineweightloss#losgatos#losgatosfitness#vegetarian#onlinenutrition#onlinepersonaltrainer#losgatostrainer#croatia 😎🎾🏋🇭🇷⚽🍎🍌